Plenary Speaker

Prof. Shin R. Mukai

Prof Shin R. Mukai graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University in 1989. He started his academic career as a Research Instructor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University in 1992.  He received his Doctor of Engineering degree in 1997 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2000.  In 2006 he moved to Hokkaido University, and became a Professor in the Division of Chemical Process Engineering (presently Division of Applied Chemistry).  He is also serving as the Vice Director of the Frontier Chemistry Center, since 2014, and as the Vice Dean of the Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, since 2021.

The research topics of Shin R. Mukai are mostly related to porous materials and carbon materials for adsorption, catalysis and energy storage.  His main interests are in the development of new processes to efficiently produce such materials.

Shin R. Mukai received the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan Award for Outstanding Young Researcher in 1998, the Japan Society on Adsorption Encouragement Award in 2005, and the Carbon Society of Japan Academic Award in 2015.

Prof. Youn-Sang Bae

Keynote Speaker

Prof Hiromoto Nishihara

Dr. Hirotomo Nishihara is a Professor at the Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR), Tohoku University, specializing in chemical engineering and materials science. With a Ph.D. from Kyoto University, he has held various academic positions at Tohoku University since 2005. He also serves as the Chief Scientific Officer at 3DC, Deputy editor-in-chief at The Carbon Society of Japan and has been involved in numerous editorial and steering committees for prestigious journals and organizations (New Carbon Materials (Elsevier), Journal of Porous Materials (Springer), Energy Storage Materials (Elsevier)). His notable accolades include the Kao Science Prize, JSPS Prize, and recognition in the 2020 Asian Scientist Top 100. Dr. Nishihara’s work focuses on advancements in carbon materials and energy storage.

Prof Hideki Tanaka

Prof Ruey-an Doong

Prof Jose Paulo Mota

José P. B. Mota is full professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at the department of chemistry of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT-UNL) of NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal). He heads the Laboratory of Adsorption Technology and Process Engineering (LATPE) at FCT-UNL and leads of the Thematic Line Energy – Clean & Renewable at LAQV, the Research Center for Green Chemistry and Clean Processes of REQUIMTE, the Portuguese Network for Chemistry and Technology. He has authored over one hundred and fifty papers in the areas of separation science and transport phenomena and is one of the World’s Top 2% Scientists in Chemical Engineering according to the ranking published by Stanford University in PLOS Biology. He serves as an associate editor of Adsorption Science & Technology Journal, editorial member of open-access journals Molecules and Methane, and consulting editor of the Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. He has received several international awards and has served as a member of the Scientific Council of Sciences and Engineering (CCCE) of the Portuguese National Science Foundation (FCT/MCTES) and Board of Directors of the International Adsorption Society (IAS). . He is the chairman of the SPICA 2022 symposium and of the 15th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorp-tion to be held in 2025 by IAS.

Invited Speaker

Prof Chang-Ha Lee

Prof. Lee Chang Ha is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. He earned his BS and MS in Chemical Engineering from Yonsei University, followed by a PhD from the University of Pittsburgh, USA, in 1993. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Merck & Co. in 1994. Dr. Lee has serving as the Organizing Chair PBAST, KISHEM, and IASPEP. He has also been an active member of 14 International Advisory, Organizing, and Scientific Committees and has delivered over 27 plenary, keynote, and invited talks at international conferences.

Prof Alexander V.Neimark

Dr. Alexander V. Neimark is a Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Rutgers University. He received his Doctor of Science degree at the Moscow State University and worked at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences. After receiving Humboldt fellowship in 1992, he worked at Mainz University (Germany) and then held visiting positions at CNRS (France), and Yale University (USA). He is a recipient of many national and international awards and honored appointments, including Guggenheim Fellow, Blaise Pascal International Chair, Humboldt Fellow, Fellow of American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Fellow of International Adsorption Society, Distinguished Visiting Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and Leverhulme Professorship.

Prof Katsumi Kaneko

Prof. Katsumi Kaneko is a distinguished professor of Institute for Aqua Regeneration, Shinshu University. He moved the current University in 2010 from Chiba University. He has moved from Research Initiative for Supra-Materials to Institute for Aqua Regeneration at June in 2024. He published more than 540 papers on international journals. Chemical Society of Japan and American Carbon Society awarded him in 1999 and in 2007(Charles Petinos Award), respectively. He was the president of International Adsorption Society from 2004 to 2007. He is a fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, International Adsorption Society, and Chemical Society of Japan.

Prof Kun-Yi Andrew Lin

Dr. Ramon Christian

Prof. Matsumoto Akihiko

Prof. Joaquin Ximo

Dr. Cheung Ocean

Dr. Hanif